

History of the MSF

The Faculty was founded on May 26, 1951. Thus, the University of Rostock became the first university in Germany to add a Technical Faculty to its classical structure, thus leading the way for other universities.

On September 1, 1953 the renaming to Shipbuilding Faculty (Schiffbautechnische Fakultät) took place; the renaming back to Technical Faculty (Technische Fakultät) was happened in 1963.

Within the framework of the III. University Reform 1967/68 the university was restructured. The Faculty of Technology from now on belonged to the Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Technical Sciences (Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Technische Wissenschaften). The sections of Marine Engineering and Agricultural Engineering were constituted at that time. The former institutes have been transformed into science departments (Wissenschaftsbereiche).

In 1990 the section structure of 1968 was abolished again; the science departments have been transformed into institutes again. 

On October 1, 1992 the new Faculty of Engineering (Fakultät für Ingenieurwissenschaften) was founded. An integral part of this faculty is the Department of Mechanical and Naval Engineering.

In accordance with an organizational decree of the Rector for the creation of competitive and economically comparable large institutions, the Faculty of Engineering was divided into two faculties with effect from January 1, 2004. The Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Marine Technologies (Fakultät für Maschinenbau und Schiffstechnik) known today has been created then.